-hDuring the first 8 months after their return to Rongelap

their body burdens of Cesium!37 are estimated to have increased by

factors up to 100 (resulting in a meen body burden of 0.68uc);
Zinc®5 is estimated to have shown a concomitant increase (mean body
burden of 0.36uc). Strontium? showed about a twenty-fold increased
rate of excretion in the urine.

Only one sample of bone is available

for estimating the body burden of Strontium.

Rongelap man who died in April 1958

‘This is froma

(nine months after his return

to Rongelap) which showed 3.6. pe/Sr' /em Calcium (Strontium units).
On the basis of North American data it is expected that the values

for children would be higher.

Based on preliminary analysis of data from the most recent

survey period, 8 to 20 months after return to Rongelap, it appears

that the people have begun to attain an equilibrium with their lightly

contaminated environment. The Cesiue37 1

appear to be slightly

lower than the year before, while the Zinc°> bas increased slightly.

The Strontium? analyses, unfortunately, are not available yet. The
body burdens estimated above are far below the

levels; Cesium!37 ig about 2% of the MPL, and Zinc®> 1% of the MPL.

In summary, a medical survey of the Marshallese people in
March 1959, five years after exposure to fallout radiation, showed
that the people had recovered from the acute effects of their radiation
exposure and appeared to be generally in good health. The following
specific statements can be made in regard to their radiation health

1. No illnesses or diseases were found that could be
directly associated with acute radiation effects.
2. One case of cancer and three deaths have occurred, but
with no direct relation to radiation effects.
3. Fertility does not appear to have been affected. The
incidence of miscarriages and stillbirths appears to be somewhat
higher than in the unexposed Marshallese, but a deficiency of vital
statistics precludes definite conclusions as to whether or not this
is a radiation effect.


Suggestive evidence of slight lag in growth and devel-

opment of exposed children noted previously is being re-evaluated on
the basis of better age data obtained during the past survey.
5. Blood platelet levels are within the normal range but
somewhat below that for the unexposed population.


Select target paragraph3