
approximately 20 agencies.
DBM provided funds in 1967 and 1968 for
operarion of the Na-:onal Committee; no support has been provided the
Committee in 1969.
However, $50,000 was provided for stidy of the Grassland Biome of the Ecosystem Analysis Program in FY 1968,
DBM favors IBP
concep: and will continue support and consider IBP proposals on an
individual basis,
The 120 equare miles for Arid Land Ecology research at
Hanford has been appr3ved as a site for studies by the Desert Biome Committee.
Dr. Stanley Averbach, Director of the Oak Ridge Ecology Program,
heads the planning for she Deciduous Forest Biome.


The Committee was pleased to learn that the clean-up

activii1es at Trhlic, Greenland, had been satisfactorily concluded and that
the banish Goveramern: agrees that no significant radioisotopic contamination
has been rntrod-ced into the ecological systems ot the area,
Joic«ly Sponsored Medical Seminars, Dr, Doran announced that the first in
a series of traigi.g seminars for physicians in the medical care and
Ereaiment of radiasion accident victims was held at Richland, Washington,
in July 1968.
These sessions are primarily tor licensee and contractor
ciaff phvsicians but some key doctors from cooperating community hospitals
are also









19685 at


Brookhaven National ‘aboratory.
Meeting on Radiation Protection.
Dr. Duda iniormed the Committee of a
meeting held at Arvonre National Laboratory on july 9, 1968. cto discuss
chemical procection avainst radiation attended by various DBM scraff members
and other invitees
The suggestions and recommendations of the discussants
were 1} that the rad:cprotectants developed by the Walter Reed group should
be brought to the at entton of and made available to interested scientists;
2) that more stuaies need to be conducted on the biochemistry of cysteamine,
the oxygen etfect, and repair mechanisms; 3) more emphasis should be placed
on studying chemical procecricn in cel! suspension,
Lt was not recommended
that a critical crea:ive reyiew be enco raged at this time.
A second
meeting is tentatively scheduled for Jaruary 13, 1969, art Gainesville. Fla.
Mr. Deal briefly brought the Committee up to date on
the discussions about the funding ratio for the ORNL Civil Defense Research
The Commissicn approved discussions with the BOB and che Joint
Committee's staff aimed at eliminating the ceiling approach.
There was a
brief discussion cf the work which will be done fcr the DHUD (Department

/of Howsing amd Urbar Development) and he reported on the success of the
accelerator for Phase if of Operation HENRE.

recentiv formed groups.

Dr, Osterberg announced that two

The National Council of Marine Resources and


Select target paragraph3