USSR has been more conservative.
In the area of bone marrow transplantation
the reverse situation currently exists,
Some general impressions of the
non-scientific sessions and Moscow were also briefly presented,


Dr. Bruner informed the ACBM that a contract has been

negotiated with the Hanford Environmental Health Foundation to develop the
Plutonium Registry.
The origin and development of the Registry was
reviewed as well as plans for its operation,
Dr. Bruner advised the ACBM
that they will be intormed from time to time about the effects of plutonium
and other transuranic elements on man as obtained by this prespective
epidemiological study of in-plant accident cases reported by licensees
and contractors.


Dr. Brumer noted that the inhalation of plutonium

aerosols, generated ty. weapon accidents or space nuclear aborts or by
explosive accidents during plutonium processing constitutes a major health
threat to nuclear erergy workers and/or the population as well as being a
potential restriction to the development of reactors using plutonium in
their fuels.
Since knowledge of the pulmonary radiotoxicology of this
metal is becoming so important to these several areas of nuclear energy,
plans are being developed for one or more large chronic animal experiments
designed to permit a more precise evaluation of the long-term hazards of
inhalation of fine aerosols of Pud, «


Dr. Burr reiterated for the committee the events

that had taken place since Dr. Robley Evans’ proposal for a Center on
Human Radiobiology had been received by the DBM in December 1967,
particular, he discussed what steps had been taken since the last ACBM
meeting to move toward relocation of the radium and mesothorium studies of
Dr, Evans,
He noted that he and Dr. Totter had spent one morning in
discussions in Chicago with Dr. Moseley and Dr. Hasterlik and the afternoon
with Drs. Rowland, Duffield and Finkel.
There had also been conversations
with the staff in the Medical Department at Brookhaven.
Proposals tor the
continuation of the radium studies had been requested from both BNL and
In a letter to Senator Pastore, the Division had gone on record as
indicating that it would select a laboratory for this study by October 31,
1968, and anticipated that some material and records might be transferred
after january 1, 1969, from MIT to the new site.
For FY 69 Dr. Evans’
program should remain very active particularly in the area of ingtrumentation for the uranium mine problem and during FY 70 it is anticipated
that during the 12 months his program will be phased out.
New Studies Relating to the Uranium Mine Problem.
Dr. Burr outlined for the
ACBM the general reorgamization within the Department of Health, Education
and Welrare relatiny to the Public Health Service.
He noted that tne two
groups had been given responsibility in the uranium mine area,
These are


Select target paragraph3