Honerehle Carl T. Durham

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The total program (exclusive of the UN demonstration ehot), considering

the weather deleys to date, should be completed by late August. ‘The
UN demonetration shot would be fired at Enivetok Atoll as soon as
poselble after the high altitude Johneton Island shots - estimated
ha ready in very late August and to be fired as soon thereafter as
weather permits. The President has aithorized the expenditure of
the necessary nuclear materials to carry cut the above teats.

Also, on June 13, 1958, the President approved cur plens and

@athorized the meclear materials for Operation MILLRACE, an under-

ground series of mmsll chots to be fired in the Nevada Proving Ground

daring Oetober and Hoveaber of 1953.

Tentatively the plana conten

plete the firing of cevernl safety shots from which no significant
nudlesr yield is expected and six nuclear shota:

Lal ent

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