or. Berpert Vetter.

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June 22,. 1979wo, ore a


Page two

‘Cleanup and rehabilitationof Bikins began in 1969

in preparation for resettlement, and the AEC continued to

woniter Bikini's safety. One AEC official .tated in 1969

that "there is: virtually ino radiation left, and we can find

no Giscernable effect on eitheri plantor: animal life.*


1971, the Director of AEC's Division of Operational Safety

reported that well water: samples had been:taxen from several
locations on Bikini Island over.a period gf time and” that,

"from& radiological viewpoint, the water:‘ie safe to Grink.*
: Despite these: assurances, the: Bikinians expressed

increasing concern over the atoll's safety, and in 1975 they

sreught @ court action to seekahorder directing the United
States te conduct a thorough radiglogical survey of the atoll

to measure. and assess,its safety:

In the court complaint, ths

Bikinians ‘openly concededtheir ignorance as ‘to Bi

‘s eafety:

eS2 us to nake an intelligent decision té
* Yesettle Bikini Atoll, 'we must be able to


our desire and return against the

Fadioclogical risks or returning.

. We have |

mot been pripvided with that’ informetion

. in a form that we can understand. *

After severalyears: of: litigation and settlement discussions,

the United States agreed te conduct a thorough radiol


study, including aeriel radiation surveys and: terrestrial and

marine studies, of Bikini and: thirteen other islands amd atolis

in the northern Marshall Islands that received fallout fron
one or more of the ‘U.S. nuclear tests in ithe Pacific.

‘The survey: yas conducted in. late 1978, and some of the

results from: the aerial surveys have been released.

Before the

Survey WAS even conducted, however, medical examinations conducted in April, 1978:o0n the: 14s people 'who had been mowed back
to Bikind in the early 1970's showed body burdens so high that

it was necessary to move them’off Bikini Island.

' Based on these medical examinations and preliminary

results from. the radiological survey, the United State has

announced that Bikini; Island will be off 2imits for habitation
or agricultural use for approximately 60 years and that Enau

isiand dn Bikini Atoll} will be off limits for at leaat 20-25



the Bikiniabs, who!are confused by the conflicting

information they: have ‘received over the years, do not under-

stand oy earlier surveys ofBikini. were ‘axrpneous.




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