
Agreed that the Chairman, Atomic Energy Comission,

should make a brief public announcement on the sub-

ject as read and amended at the meeting.


ident, subsequently trensmitted to fhe Chairman,
Atomic Energy Commission.

of the MAAG, Saigon.

He then asked Under Secretary Hoover to re-

port on the follow-up of this Council decision.

Secretary Hoover said that the message: in quegtion had
been sent that evening to Saigon, as had a message to the Secretary
of State in Paris. The Secretary had discussed with Premier Mendes-

France the proposed crash program, and had got a delayed|but very
violent adverse reaction. ‘The French contended that we Bad violated
not only our recent agreements with the French themseliveg in the

Conference. There was no proof of any such agreement, s@id Secretary Hoover, but we have certainly not violated the terms
Geneva Armistice Agreement as we know those terms. In al
we are going ahead with our plans vis-a-vis Diem and Hink
Secretary Hoover believed the situation in South Vietnam|now looked
@ good deal better.
The President inquired whether the French irrifation was
simply the result of the fact that we were cutting down @n our cash
handouts to them. Secretary Hoover replied that there s¢emed to be
more to it than that, and again suggested the possibility of a secret
agreement between the French and the Communists at Genevg, in which
the British also may have been implicated.

Ngeespay PI

waich was

oR PIE Tae pre Se
hi, aa’
ataoa ee

nam (NSC Action No. 1250) as set forth in a draft message

to be prepared for transmission to the Ambassador and tojthe Chief

The President reacted strongly to this latter suggesticn,
and said that if there were any question about British ps

tion, Secretary Dulles should confront Eden and get the



or, if the Secretary preferred, he himself would take thq matter up
with Sir Winston Churchill and would do so in his own faghion.


Mr. Cutler reminded the Council of its agreement at its

last meeting to inaugurate a crash militery program in South Viet-

SPa ery,

(NSC Action No. 1250-4)

7 Ae moot,


‘he action in b above, as approved py the Pres-

Select target paragraph3