resettlement of Enjebi on the same schedule as southern islands.

The island can be resettled sometime in the future when radionuclide ingestion is no longer a problem. To develop the facts,

test with and without soil removal may be made. Construction and agriculture would be deferred until produce from
test plantings showed acceptably low levels of radioactivity.

Test plantings without soil removal would have least adverse
impact on the island environment.

Concurrent with the -Enjebi work, radioactivity levels should be

measured in coconut and other food crops grownon PEARL,
CLARA, ALICE, and BELLE. Produce from YVONNEshould

be included after removal of plutonium contamination.

All radioactive scrap metal and contaminated debris now or later
identified should be removed. This includes three locations on
SALLY and one on ELMER where buried contaminated debris
should be exhumed and removed.
YVONNE, quarantined by the USAF in 1972, should remain
quarantined until plutonium contamination on that island has been

cleaned up.

An authority responsible for enforcement of the

quarantine should be identified and in residence in the Atoil
if people return to the Atoll before cleanup is completed.

Only general recommendations for cleanup of Pu on YVONNE
can be presented at this time. An accurate picture of this
contamination should develop as the decontamination proceeds

The area observed to have small pieces of plutonium and the
highest soil concentrations is about 30% of the island. A background for plans for the recovery of Pu will require:


Assembly of a team of experts to interpret field radiation

and radioactivity measurements, advise on cleanup actions

and provide necessary health physics support.

A Public

Health Service group, now part of EPA, provided radiological

assistance for cleanup of Bikini Atoll. Similar support
should be sought from EPA for Enewetak.


Decontamination of YVONNE is seen as an iterative process.
This amounts to a search for and removal of the higher
plutonium levels in soil.

Select target paragraph3