
This section presents the definitions and abbreviations used throughout
the three volumes of the F&SR Plan.
BOD - FOD - These expressions are utilized to indicate the actual

calendar date or a relative GO date when a facility will be required for
occupancy. ''BOD" (Beneficial Occupancy Date) is defined as the date
when construction of a facility will reach a stage that will permit concurrent construction or installation of equipment by both the construc tion contractor and the using agency or its agent. "FOD" (Full Occupancy Date) is defined as the date when the construction of the facility
will reach a stage that it may be used for its intended purposes with
relatively little interference,

restriction or inconvenience from the

completion activities of the construction contractor.
If a facility is scheduled for participation in more than one event, the
FOD is based upon the earliest scheduled requirement. An exception
is in the scheduling of planned facilities for Nuclear Operational System
Test (NOST) participation. Established design, procurement and construction schedules will not be adjusted to accommodate NOST participation, except for the facilities at Midway. Certain facilities at MidWay are required specifically for NOST participation and have an FOD
based on this requirement. If a facility is incomplete on the date of

a NOST, an alternate facility may be used.

F&S No. - Facilities and Support number (F&S No.) is a five-digit
identification number assigned to a project or facility. The first twodigits reflect the location and intended use of the facility. The exception being the off-island facilities, whereby the first two-digits reflect the location only. Table 2-1 lists a summary of these digits.
The last three digits are assigned in line item sequence for each

location and intended use.

Once a F&S No. has been assigned to a facility, it will not be reassigned to another facility or project. However, an assigned F&S
No. may become inactive and subsequently be deleted (the facility
requirement was rescinded prior to any effort expended), cancelled
(the facility requirement was rescindedafter some effort was expended)
or transferred(the facility requirement was includedas partofanother
project or facility whichhadanassigned F&SNo.). These inactive



Select target paragraph3