09° 00's 158°00'W


Penrhyn is a part of the northern Cook Islands Group which,

since 1965, is internally self-governing but linked to New Zealand by a

common Head of State, H. M. Queen Elizabeth I. New Zealand maintains
a High Commissioner in Rarotonga to handle the foreign affairs, defense
and fiscal matters of the 15 islands belonging to the Cook Islands Group.
Its people are New Zealand citizens. A resident agent is headquartered at
the village of Omoka, Penrhyn.
Physical Data Penrhyn is one of seven atolls of the Northern Cook Group.
The egg-shaped coral atoll consists of numerous wooded, low islets (maximum
elevation is 15-ft.), connected by a 40-mile circumference barrier reef

surrounding the lagoon which is approximately 7-miles wide and 12-miles
long. The lagoon covers 108 square miles and the land area is 2, 432 acres.
The barrier reef is broken by 3 passages into the lagoon: Northeast, Northwest and West Pass. The lagoon is obstructed in many places by coral heads,
pinnacles and shoals. Fair anchorage can be obtained outside the lagoon just
southward of West Pass and anchorage inside the lagoon can be had in the
vicinity of Omoka village. Vegetation is mainly coconut palms and some
Pandanus. Animals include rats, lizards, and many seabirds. Most of the
land is occupied by coconut plantations or taro cultivations.
Climate There are no accurate data on climate, but it is very similar to
Malden Island. The mean monthly temperature is approximately 80 F, with
a range from about 65° to 95°F. Annual rainfall is approximately 40-inches,
with the wet season from December through February. Trade winds are
usually from an easterly direction, with occasional north and northwest winds
between December and March. Hurricanes are said to form in the vicinity
of the atoll, but winds of hurricane force are unknown on the Penrhyn islets.
Facilities During World War II, a 5,600 x 200-ft. coral airstrip was built
about 4 miles south of Omoka on the southern half of the islet. The airfield
is for emergency use only as scheduled aircraft do not land at Penrhyn. An
unmarked seaplane anchorage is located on the southeastern part of the lagoon.
A radio station, small hospital-dispensary, general stores and post office
are located at Omoka. There is a 150-ft. stone wharf at Omoka village with
a depth of 14-ft. alongside. A coral fill dock, 135-ft. long by 90-ft. with
a depth of 4-ft. alongside, is also available. There are no hotels, no
electricity and water is at a premium in Penrhyn.



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