The U. S. Army Strategic Communications Command (USASCC) has been
tasked to establish Defense Communication Systems (DCS) stations in the
Pacific in the event it is decided to resume nuciear testing in that area.
Planning to date envisages using AN/TSC-20's on point-to-point radio
circuits from each island to DCS Aliamanu making use of voice plus secured teletype on one 3 KC voice channel to conserve the spectrum. These
channels will be patched through to DCS Johnston Atoll via the JA-~Oahu submarine cable. Each island communication station will provide telephone
service to scientific projects and support personnel on the island. In addition, each station will be provided with tactical radio nets for local use,
with terrain a prime consideration on selection of sites.

The USASCC communication plan covers a wide geographic area as illustrated on the accompanying map which includes the following two types of
communication nets:

Communication Trunk/Circuits, DCS Net Control Station (NCS)

Oahu to: French Frigate Shoals, Palmyra, Canton, Viti Levu
and Upolu. (Mighty Sky Event)

Weather Communication Trunk Circuits, DCS Net Control Station
(NCS) to:

Baker, Christmas,

Malden, Howland,

Arorae (Baker Howland Event).

Tarawa and

Those islands scheduled for the various events but not shown in the USASCC

communication plan have Federal Government and civilian agency communi cation facilities available for each area as discussed below:


Scientific subtasks and support activities will use existing military communication facilities on:

Kwajalein, Oahu, Guam, Wake,

Midway, Tokyo, Okinawa and Adak.

Scientific subtasks and support activities will use existing US
Weather Bureau communication tacilities on: Majuro, Ponape,
Truk, Shemya and Tutuila.


Scientific subtasks and support activities will share use of communication centers,

telephone and local radio service as furnished

by the USAEC through its contractor on:
and Mau.

Oahu, Kauai, Hawaii,

CJTF-8 will provide an unclassified side band voice radio net
using KWM-2A/30S-1 radio sets for those sites which have no
effective communications link for Rad-Safe purposes. USPHS
personnel will operate radio sets on Christmas, Fanning, Penrhyn
(Tongareva), Washington and Palmyra.



Select target paragraph3