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The interior will be lighted and will be furnished with workbenches

and shelving.

Exterior lighting will also be provided.

The instru-

ment and maintenance room and the electronics room will be air
conditioned and dehumidified.

The west and east sides of the building will be flanked by 4-ft. wide
concrete sidewalks. Wooden walkways will be situated on the north
and south sides and will also extend to the Observation Building,
18-ft. to the south.
Observation Building (Scientific Station No. 97-3-2) Situated to the
south of the camera building, with the electrical trailer intervening,

will be the 20 x 30x 7 1/2-ft. high observation building.

This wood-

framed, plywood sided structure will have a concrete floor slab.

A 6-ft. wide doorway will provide access to the interior, which will
consist of one room furnished with workbenches and cabinets. Interior and exterior lighting will be provided. Although no windows
will be provided, four (4) sliding plywood panels on the west side
will permit a 4 x 20-ft. opening. A 28 volt DC rectifier and a 12.5
kw, 400 cycle motor generator set will supply power for instruments.

Quarters Tent A 16 x 32-ft. quarters tent with a ridge height of 10-ft.
will be located northeast of the camera building. Fly screens will encircle the tent which will be wood framed with a concrete floor slab.
The interior will be lighted and will be furnished with eight (8) steel

bunk beds, eight (8) cabinet/wardrobes, a table and chairs.
Generator Shelter A 14 x 16x 8-ft. high generator shelter, to be located south of the quarters tent, will house two 56 kw diesel generators. The wood framed shelter will have plywood siding and roofing,
a concrete floor slab, and a 5 x 7-ft. doorway. Wood louvers in the
siding will provide ventilation.
A rack for supporting drums of fuel oil for the generators will be lo-

cated south of the shelter. Fuel piped through tne generators will
pass through a gravity pollution separator. The generators will pro-

vide 120/208 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase power to the camera building,
observation building, quarters tent and trailers.


Apri 1969



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