The alpha contamination of the Bikini
been re-evaluated.

target area


Ether extractions from a 9=- normal nitric

acid solution of Halimeda collected at Bikini during August of
1949 and counted during August of 1951 ranged from 58.2 to
820 d/m/g with the average count of 378 d/m/g for the sixteen
samples counted.
At Eniwetok both terrestrial

and aquatic

were contaminated by the detonation of seven


atomic bombs.

The problems are complex but still very usable in studying the
over-all effects of residual radiation upon living forms.


surveys of the fauna and flora of Eniwetok during the summers
of 1948 and 1949 provided data on the amount of biotic contami-

nation and on some of the more obvious effects such as the mortalities observed in birds,

fishes, and invertebrate animals in

the fallout area, mutations in plants

on the shot islands,

apparent calcium deficiencies occurring in plants growing on
mountains of calcium, plant tumors, etc.
only the more conspicuous ones,

These observations are

for the complete story

can be

written only after continuous observation by a number of specialists over a period of years.
Eniwetok at the present

time has

material to warrant continued study.

sufficient radioactive

Samples of the soil


Select target paragraph3