
entire picture, while only comparatively minute
segments can be duplicated under controlled laboratory conditions.
Only on the basis of the field studies can the relative merit of various sections of the problem be


Experiments now in progress at the Labo-

ratory concerning the uptake of specific isotopes by
aquatic organisms are based on survey data from
previous Bikini and Eniwetok studies.

Food chain transfers of material in the atolls are
constantly in progress.

These transfers follow the

natural paths, while in laboratories the limitations
of both space and variety of forms available restrict
the scope of the studies.
With the laboratory type of experiment, it is not possible to obtain the necessary data for determining if
and at what time and at what level an equilibrium for

the different long-lived fission products and unfissioned bomb material will occur within the various

The inability to predict the time of and

level at which equilibrium will be reached within the

Select target paragraph3