has been found that plutonium is now being taken up

by the plants and animals in the New Mexico area
after a delay of five



The selection of

pu2?9 by food organisms is important in as much as

the permissible amount for humans in food or water is
3.3 d/m/g or cubic centimeter on a continued basis.
Other fission product isotopes supposedly not avail-

able by virtue of insolubility that should be studied
are Ce




, and Ru

106 — 5

Soluble fission products such as sr? and cgi35, with

long half lives, are still present at Bikini and Eniwetok.

The very low maximum permissible amount of

sr?° for humans increases the importance of a thorough
survey of the amounts

and locations of this isotope

within the food chains in the contaminated environment.
(The maximum permissible amount of sr?° in the food or
water on a continued basis is 1.8 d/m/g or cubic centimeter.

The total amount of sr?? to be permitted in the

body is 6 millimicrograms.°

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission report, UCLA~108
"Maximum permissible concentrations of radioisotopes in the air,
water and in the human body."
Subcommittee on Internal Dose of
the National Committee on Radiation Protection.

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission report, AD-325


Select target paragraph3