Since the lymph nodes were free of neoplastic cells, only a total
thyroidectomy was performed, This patient is recovering satisfactorily with minimal signs of hypoparathyroidism,
A woman, who was exposed on the Island of Utirik to an estimated
14 rads of gamma plus 15 rem of beta irradiation at the age of 22,

was brought to Brookhaven with the Rongelapese when she was found

to have developed a nodular enlargement of the thyroid. As the
tissue appeared malignant in frozen sections, a total thyroidectomy |
was performed and the patient is recovering satisfactorily, This
is the first case of thyroid disease to appear among those who were
exposed to the lower doses on Utirik. This single case suggests
that closer medical supervision be provided the Utirik people,
Dr. Conard proposes visiting Utirik during his mid-winter survey of
the Marshallese,


The diagnoses above are subject to modification depending on histologic
examination of tissue sections by pathologists. If the diagnoses are
changed a further report will be made,
The Public Relations Office of Brookhaven plans a public statement

when the diagnoses are confirmed,



ohn R, Totter

Division of Biology and Medicine

Select target paragraph3