through the root cones of

sampled trees.



rom these cata. we

Seveloped concentration Zsectcrs



estimating ine average radionuciide

is well as

coneentraticn that would be expected
Irom crops zianted in certain regions

vegeration (lear)

~o the concentration in ine edible


md trovide a better basis


soncentration ratios that relate the
concentration in the


mined irom inis survey are more >re-

relating concentration in ffo0a 7roda“ets to soil concentrraticn.




within an island or on different

or the concentration ia indi-

Despite the greater precision of

cator species (Scaevola and ‘'2sser-

concentraticn factors caiculated from

senmidia) to concentrations in food

associated vegetation and soil data,


these values still show some variabil


A separate report. discusses in


This remaining variability can

detail the results of the sampiing

te accounted for by several factors

orogram and the calculation otf CF and

acting either alone or in concert.

concentation ratio,

These factors include differences in:

[In brier, the

distribution of radionuclides in both


the Bikini and Enewetak environment
was nonhomogenous.

Soil type, organic content, and
chemical characteristics;

Radionuclide con-


centracions in soil varied greatly

Physicochemical properties of the

over distances of only a few feet.


Soil management practices;

The results of our work during this


irrigation practices;

survey verified our thesis that


Physiology, age, and prior his-


tory cf the sampled plants.

secause of the wide variability in
soil concentration with location, use-

One would, in fact, expect to see some

ful concentration factors can only be

variation in sampling conducted from a

calculated from vegetation and soil

specific tree merely resulting from

data sampled from the exact site.

normal biological variability.

Concentration factors derived from

In addition to the calculation of

soil sampled from the root zone of the

CF, the data from the large surface~

vegetation under investigation showed

soil sampling program? were used to

a greatly reduced range of values com-

determine average soil concentrations

pared with values developed earlier

in four regions on Bikini Island and

from vegetation and soil samples from

in the whole of Eneu Island.

different sites but in the same

average soil concentrations were then

area’’?>> (see also Table 22, this

used along with the concentration fac-


tors to predict the radionuclide


Select target paragraph3