tne iikini Tsiana options.
Living pattern.


.e ineu
.as more

Lana@iaticn rate
Loaaging cf

in cci.éa.

. Tass

190 ~z/m° is at the aign

flemabilicy for totentiali exposure “12

end cor the cpserved range icr normal

otner pathways without exceeding

cpen air zerosol measurements.


era. tuideiines.


since local resuspension creara2d

in tne immediare vicinity of an indi-~


“idual during nis normai acrivities

“ao air sampling data were taken

during the 1975 Bikini survev.


is Drobabiyv greater “nan open air

it appears reasonable,

fieid aerosols were measured to some

for lack of specific <ata,

extent previously ac 3ikini aroil. 2???

higher number.

3ecause orf the sparsitv of data. -ow-

concentrations in the surface soils

ever. and aiso the lack of data cn

=o use the



The average 739,240,

9 to = em) of Bikini and fneu Islands

resuspension processes in the aroil

are 2.3 and 1.4 pCi/g, respectively.


The oCi/day intake resulting from the



the average concentra-

Pu in the soil were used ina

mass loading model to predict the
doses via the inhalation pathway.

above model is,

therefore, 9.019 for

Bikini and 0.0028 for Eneu.
The doses resulting from inhalation

This is the same approacn used *9

of 7412405, are listed in Table 10

evaiuate the inhalation pathway at

the three critical organs:

Enewetak Atoi1. 72

and. liver.

The mass loading concept may be


‘lung, bone,

The doses predicted on

Eneu are, of course, ‘ess than those

more relevant for estimating the

oredicted on Bikini Island.

cot-ntial cose via inhalation than

doses will be compared beiow with bone


and whole body dose from other pathways.

«ir aerosol measurements because

the resuspended material created by a


Two other isotopes must be consid=

person in his own immediate environ-

ered in the inhalation pathway — 2415,

ment may be significantly greater than

and 241sn,

is reflected in open air measurements.

in the soil on Bikini and Eneu is


approximately 10 times that of

it is assumed that the con-

The concentration of 2414

centration of Pu observed in the sur-

239,240, 3

However, because of low

face soil at Bikini and Eneu Islands

energy beta radiation (0.021 MeV maxi-

will remain the same in the respir-

mum) and a much shorter half life

able, resuspended surface material.

(14 vr) the integrated 30-, 50-, and

In addition, a mass loading of

70-vr doses from 2415, are more than

190 g/m and a breathing rate of

one~tenth less than those listed in

29 -/da were used to develop the Pu

Table 10 for 73942505,



Select target paragraph3