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Dr. John R. Totter

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November 4, 1970

was discussed and my impression was that the Trust Territory
leaned toward payment of a lump sum of $16,000 to the Utirik
people. They would give them the list of people involved and
let them handle the distribution. I am not sure if this is a
final decision on their part.
After interviewing several senior health aides at Majuro, one
was chosen to be hired by us to assist us in our program. This
health aide will be directly responsible to us and will spend
most of his time at Rongelap helping with the general medical
care of the people and the thyroid treatment program,
He will
travel to Ebeye and Majuro where other exposed Rongelap people

live to check on their general health status and treatment

program in these islands.
He will send me monthly reports and
participate in the annual medical survey.
Mr. Streenan arranged
the payment schedule for the health aide at Saipan.

The thyroid nodule in the Rongelap girl at Majuro about whom we
were worried was found to have reduced in size on treatment and
appeared less serious.

I, therefore, decided to deferdecision

for surgery in her case until the March examinations.

Transportation arrangements for our survey proved to be less

difficult this year in view of a greater number of ships being
available and also the presence of several amphibious planes

at Majuro,
Arrangements were made with the Trust Territory
to move some heavy equipment to Rongelap for our survey.
Mr. Streenan will arrange to move a surplus trailer now at

Honolulu to Ebeye Island to be set up for our examinations.

While at Honolulu, we found that there were five Rongelap
children who had had thyroidectomies and are now going to

school on Hawaii. They were checked on and will be examined
there in February.




Robert A, Conard, M. D.
RAC: 1s

Mrs. Farrington


Ed. Johnston
E. P. Cronkite
V. P. Bond
William Smith, Jr.


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