served is generally true for the terrestrial case (though
bearing in mind the anomalous Florida situation).

The behavior of #7Cs in the aquatic case is somewhat different as illustrated by data from Red Lakes,
Minnesota, shown in Figure 173. Again, the deposition
rate and total accumulation are indicated along with
annual (June-September) levels of "Cs in perch,

northern pike, and walleye. These were ail adult fish
caught commercially. The effective half-time for
187C’s in these fish is appreciably longer than that exhibited by the fallout rate, and for the average of the
three species amounts to about a six-year half-time.
The persistence of 18*Cs under aquatic conditions

may be due to recycling or to the continuing biological
availability of this radionuclide in a water environment. In any event, this behavior suggests further
study of the fate of radiocesium released in water.
In summary, a comparison between the total inter-

nal dose from #27Cs experienced by a typical Chicago

adult and a member of the Red Lakes band of Chippewa Indians eating Red Lakes fish might be of inter-

est. In 1965, on the basis of examining the “7Cs/K

ratio In urine specimens, it was determined that the
fish-consuming Red Lakes people had three times the
body burden of °7Cs that prevailed in Chicago.

Using the observed decrease in “7Cg content of fish
shown in Figure 173 and summing the internal doses

given in Figure 172 for the interval 1965-1968, it ap-

pears that while a Chicago resident received ~3.6

mRads, the Red Lakes individual accumulated ~19

1. Miller, C. EZ. and Marinelli, L. D. Science 124, 122 (1956).
2. Roessler, G.3., Dunavant, B. G., and Roessler, C. E. Health

Phys. 16, 673 (1969).

3. Gustafson, P. F, Radioecological Concentration Processes.
Proc, Int. Symp. held in Stockholm, 25-29 April 1966.
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966, p. 853.

JULY 1968-JUNE 1969

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J. L. Anderson, D. Parsons, James Ash, J. E.
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J. B. Anderson, D. M. Nelson, J. E. Ash, R. P.
Carter, D. Parsons, J.-W. Lin, and R. J. Votruba.
Chicago Air Pollution System Analysis Program.

Fourth Quarterly Report. Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL ES-CC-004 (March 1969).
Carson, J. Carson, J. E., R. J. Votruba, and J.-W. Lin.
Chieago’s Air Pollution Incident Control Test.

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Gustafson, P. F. Cesium-37 in Freshwater Fish during
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Gustafson, P. F. Gross Gamma-Ray Activity Profiles
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Gustafson, P. F., 8. 8. Brar, and D. M. Nelson. Possibie Evidence of Radioactivity from Southern

Select target paragraph3