RADIUM (pCi/gm)









CALCIUM (gm/gm)
Fig. 7.—The variation in the concentration of radium with the degree of calcification for the Rhedophyceae

is no correlation between radium or thorium and calcium; the calculated values of the correlation coefficient were not significantly greater than zero; (2) the
correlation between uranium and calcium is highly

significant (P < 0.001). The result for radium is very

Since there was no direct relationship between radium or thorium and the calcareous matertal, regression coefficients for all algae were then calculated for
their correlation with the concentration of protein nitrogen. The results are found in Table 3 and show
that there is no direct relationship with protein nitrogen for radium or thorium. There is, however, a
highly significant inverse correlation with protein nitrogen for uranium (P < 0.001), but this, of course,
follows from the strong inverse correlation between
calcium and protein nitrogen.
From a careful examination of the data shown in
Figure 4 for the relationship between the concentrations of radium and calcium in these algae, it appeared that regression analysis according to phyta
might lead to meaningful correlations being found.

Regression analysis of all of the data for each of th:

three phyta did not lead to calculated values of th.
correlation coefficient which were significantly greate
than zero (P > 0.1). However, if all of the result:

which are not included within the limits X¥ + 3
(where XY and o refer to any analytical parameter fo

each separate species) are rejected, then highly sig

nificant correlation coefficients (P < 0.001) are foun
for the Rhodophyceae and Phaeophyceae, but the cor.
relation coefficient for the Chlorophyceae is still no
The experimental values of concentrations of ra

dium and calcium for the Rhodophyceae and Phaeo-

phyceae are shown in Figures 7, and 8, respectively
The data points which are hatched are those whicl
were rejected in the second regression analysis. Thi-

analysis clearly demonstrates differences according tc

phyta for the concentration of radium with increasin:
calcification. The concentration of radium, on the ont
hand, increases with increasing degree of calcification
in the Rhodophyceae (R = 0.51), is completely variable in the Chlorophyceae, and on the other hand de-

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