
1 Decembar 1978

Mr. W. J. Stanley
Director, Paciiic Area Support Office
Department of Enersy
P.0.3. 29929
Howolulu, Hawail 96820

Dear Bill,
This letter is in response to a telephona request I received from
‘Harry Brown late yesterday afternoon regarding my opinions aa ro the feasibllity
of emall helicoptor support for the Medical Survey of the Marshall Islands.

Another option which I have been congidering is the ultimate use of a
heavy helicoptor of the SH-3 type that would have both Ehe range and operating
characteristics necessary for outer island support.
Both of these options
would greatly increase the facility with wh{ch wa could evacuate pattants fron
the islands in the event of iwnedical energenciea.
Of course, all of this is conjecture at this point until some Final
decision fs made as to the Bihini and Eniwetok populations, Once that decieton
has been wade and we


some idea of

our future patlent



think we

ought to have a logistic meetings to develop some short~ and lonas-termsplans
concerning theea options,


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As background for the following dincussions, I'd like to restate an
epinion which I think we have discussed previously in your office, pertaining
to the long-range logistic plans for the NIL medical survey.
First, de would
appear that sometima in the near future that the geopraphic area assisned to
BYL might expand appreciably, i.e., to include che psoole of Sikiuf and Eniwetok.
This decision is pending at DOE/DOL.
This, of course, vould tremendouagly
enlarge the geographic area to be covared by the nddical survey teaas and would
prevent severe logistic problems for slow shipboard support.
As we have
discussed in the past, the possibility of establishing small independent
examining facilities on each of the islands and supporting these installations
by alvceraft certainly should be connidered carefully.
The type of aircraft to
be used again presents a variety of options,
IL understand that a PBY SA will
be avallable from the University of Mawadii.
I have no further information ag
to the dares of availability or priority For its utilization by this program.

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