exposed to radiation of biologically hazardous proportions as the result of the
entering of Sasebo or Na, .. aki harbors, or the devastated areas of the bombed
cities, at a period from 1% to 2% monthsafter the atomic bombing.
Findings of the BVA and Basis for Decision: In denying compensation the
Board found that appellant’s glomerulonephritis was not service connected;
that there was no etiological relationship between appellant’s service treated
illnesses and the glomerulonephritis; and that during his service he was not
exposed to radiation which would have resulted in glomerulonephritis.

Type ofInjury: Chronic Brain Syndrome.

BVA's Decision: Denial Affirmed.
Date of Decision: 1966.

Appellant's Allegation: That his brain damage is the result of exposure to
mma rays and not excessive use of alcohol.

Ss Se


Facts: The veteran was in active service from June 1941 to September 1945
and from December 1945 to September 1961. The veteran testified that he was
first treated for the effects of radiation in August 1956; that in 1958 he first
noticed that his mind was affected; that he was stationed in the atomic testing
area for 13 months during which time there were 27 atomic explosions; that
these explosions were supposed to have taken place 15 miles away from him;
and that due to a mistake one bomb was exploded about 10 miles from him.
He also described his current symptoms. His representative stated that while
the Army psychiatrist had diagnosed brain damage of undetermined cause in
1964, he had told the veteran it was his belief the damage was due to radiation
fallout since the veteran had never had any type of head injury.
Film badge records reflect that from April 1956 to September 1956 he was
exposed to Gammaradiation and received an accumulative total dose of 4.495
roentgens. There is no record of treatment for any type of radiation injury, nor
is there any record of complaints or findings indicative of brain damage.
Medical Evidence: In April 1958, September 1960 and July 1961 he was given
complete medical examinations. He did not complain of radiation exposure or
of symptomsof brain impairment on these occasions and no neuropsychiatric
abnormality nor any defect which might be attributable to radiation injury was
found on these examinations. In September 1961 he certified that there had


been no change in his medical: cofidition since he was examined for retirement

purposes in July 1961.
On examination in January 1964 the veteran complained about his left

ankle, headaches, and loss of appetite. Examination disclosed no skin lesions

and no other abnormality indicative of radiation or brain damage.
In April 1964 the veteran was examined at a United States Army hospital.
A complete blood count was within normal limits. He was referred to the
Mental Hygiene Consultation Service and, following interviews, observation
and intelligence testing, 2 diagnosis was made of brain damage, etiology


Select target paragraph3