one of the weakest aspects of the DEIS as it now stands.

Attention is given to both short and long range economic
tlanning (Vol. I, § 7, Vol. II, Tab D), but in consultation with
the people themselves specific abjectives and specific economic
development possibilities must be found so that the shared aim of
economic seif-sufficiency can be achieved.

We realize that with

all the other aspects of this complex project demanding attention
up to now, this was not intentionally underemphasized.

But as

the program moves into its clean-up phase more attention must be

given to meeting the future economic needs ot the people.


is especially true because since the writing of the DEIS it has
become known that adverse radiological conditions in the northern
part of the Atoll do not permit the rehabitation of Engehi is
and severely if not completely restrict the use of the northern

islets for the foreseeable future.


The Enewetzk Planning Council must continue to be relied upon
to make the final value judgments upon one proposal or another
and upon the development of the economy as a whole so that it will
be consonant with their own capabilities and values, but one or
‘more specialists should be engaged by the government and made

available in an advisory capacity.

They must be carefully selected

both in terms of expertise in the field and suitability to this
kind of cross-cultural task and to the maximum feasible extent
the Planning Council should participate in the selection.

Resettlement to Enewetak Atoll from Ujelang will involve an
unusual amount of stress for individual members of the group and
for the group as a whole.

Physical stress will, if all goes as

Select target paragraph3