case the dissolved plutonium would diffuse away from the hot particles.
Eowever this dissolved piutoniun undoubtedly would be slowly redistributed
in the lung in the same fashion as that reported by Moskalev (34) for
inhaled soluble compounds of plutonium, resulting in a highly non-uniform
distribution, with hot spots located preominantly in the sub-pleural region
of the lungs.

This gradual conversion of the soluble plutonium compounds

to small colloidal size particles at focal points of activity may be the
result of the self-chelating properties of tetravalent plutonium in solution.
-In recent studies of rat inhalation of *°°Pu0,» Sanders




demonstrated a substantially increased risk per rad for small lung burdens

of aged, "crushed" 7°*Pu0,



In this case the inhalec particles

involve smaller particles and a correspondingly larger surface area.


observed more rapid rate of tiauslucation to other organs can
variously to the higher mobility of the smaller particles, or to the higher
rate of surface ablation (or dissolution) for the increased surface area,
or both.

The higher tumor incidence can be attributed to the fact that-

‘the greater mobility and wider redistribution of the ***Pu0, ‘microspheres
and their breakdown products subject

a much larger number of cells to a

limited number vf alpha interactions.

The correctnéss of the above interpretation is reinforced by the
results of the Los Alamos ceramic sphere experiments reported by Richmond
et al. (12,13) and further discussed by Bair et a1, °19) .

In these experi-

ments 2000 Zirconium oxide microspheres of 10 pm diameter, each set containing a specified amount of plutonium, were injected into the lungs of
groupsof experimental animals.

The total pluteniun per microsphere

ranged from 0.07 to 1.6 pCi of 7°*Pu and from 4.3 to 59.4 pCi of **#Pu,
with identical activity for each of che 2000 microspheres in each of eight
animal exposure groups of 70 animals ner group.

The local dose rate,

Select target paragraph3