expusure standards for inhaled plutonium.

It also is possible that the

eritical health effects for inhaled alpha emitting particles are the
dncidence of atherosclerosis and other degenerative diseases of the
cardiovascular system.

The published evidence supporting these conclusions

is briefly reviewed below.

Tumor Production:

The interactions of various types of radiation

with living cells and their mutagenic effects have been widely investigated,
with results which have been reviewed and summarized by Lea

end others.

(15) | mutter 26)

when 2lphas interact with the chromosome or its genes in

the nucleus of a cell, the dense ionization in the track of the alpha particles give rise to closely spaced breaks which bring abouta wide variety
of irreversible chromosome structural changes, or mutations.

X-ray and Y-ray

interactions give rise to a diffuse distribution of ions, resulting in
widely speced individual breaks, most of which can undergo repair by
recombining without structural change.

Thus permanent structural changes

for X-rays and Y-rays are proportional to the square of the dose, with
greatly reduced incidence at low dose rates.

By contrast, structural

changes resulting from alpha interactions are directly proportional to

the number of interactions and are independent vf alpha interaction rates.
Thus, with regird to the production of irreversible structural changes in
cells the relative biological effectiveness of alpha radiation, compared |
to X-rays and Y-rays, increases markedly at lower dose rates and over

‘longer periods of exposure.
For alpha interactions with cell nuclei, most of the structural

changes are lethal and lead to the mitotic death of the cell, at the next
or subsequent celi division



However, as Lea


and others have

pointed out, some cell nuclei experience only minor structural changes

Select target paragraph3