Litigation by the beneficiary against the trustee to enforce
these obligations would unseemly and costly.
efficial involved,

Every United States

including members of the Congress, siculd

freely and willingly undertake to fulfill them by planning,
funding and conducting a cleanup, rehabilitation and resettlerent program for the Enewetak People which approximates the ideal.

We have made a number of recommendations in the course of

these comments to which we hope the program sponsors will give
consideration in the preparation of the final impact statement.
The recommendations relating to assessment of the radiological
yisk, if accepted, may or may not result in delay for the project
as now planned.

We hope not, but certainly the further study

required and the development of soil, air and food contamination
standards for plutonium may have a direct affect upon the initial
cleanup phase.

We urge the Defense Nuclear Agency to proceed with

funding requests and planning for the base camp and to seek commit-

ments from the United States Congress for the estimated cost of
the program as a whole based on the "Case 5" projections.

But at

the same time all of the radiological investigations recommended |
here should be undertaken and high confidence results obtained as
s90n as possible so that they can be used to revise and improve

the radiological cleanup phase before moving forward with it.
It bears repeating here that we are mindful of the immense

amount of time, effort and money which has been devoted to development of this program to date by many officials in the Defense


NMaclear Agency, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of

Select target paragraph3