cleanup phase of the program.

(DEIS, Vol. I, pp.

5-79, 6-5)


af the Task Group is enlarged as we have sugyested and specific
coil standards are developed and implementel,

will perform a crucial function.
membership be carefully selected.

this monitoring group

Thus, it is important that its
It is imperative that radio-~

ecientists of the most conservative cast be included in the
monitoring group.

Here again, we suggest that the names of Drs.

Martell, Geesaman, Tamplin and Cochran.

Arid the on-site authority of the monitoring group should be
clearly defined, with all important or unexpected problems to be
referred to the enlarged Task Group.

3.6. Test Plantings, GroundwaterandAir Sampling
We are in full agreement with the AEC Task Group recommendations for test pluntings, lens water and air sampling.

5-80 to 5-81.)

(Vol. I,

But it is not clear whether these recommenda-

tions have been implemented.

They must be and the studies should

be commissioned to the best scientists and technicians available,
under the over-all guidance of the enlarged Task Group.

All of

these studies must’ deal explicitly with the hot particle problem.

3.7. Radicbiological Health Followup
AEC Task Group recommendation 12

(Vol. 1, p.


calls for

"Baseline surveys of body burdens and urine content of Cs-137 and
Sr-90... for the Enewetak people prior to return to Enewetak Atoll,
and periodically thereafter."

But here, too, it is not clear

whether a firm commitment to long-range radiological health
monitoring ef the Enewetak population has been made, and, if so,


Select target paragraph3