




| 12 February 1975


SUBJECT: Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

1. We need to have AEC (ERDA) representatives and DO! representatives read this. Then we need a conference at the earliest possible
date to discuss and determine steps to be taken. I don't want a big

2. If it is decided that we should follow all or a substantial part of
Mitchell's recommendations, 1 pelieve the project faces a minimum
of a one year delay. This needs to be assessed ASAF.
a. I cannot go to Congress for the funds we have now requested
anticipating such a delay, unless 1 frankly tell them we face such a
delay and the almost certain cost escalation. (This applies even if we
reject the more extensive soil removal and the disposal of radioactive
debris away from the atoll. If we accept these more stringent measures,

‘the 100 million dollars cited by Ted Mitchell is probably much lower
than the ultimate cost.)

In today's fiscal environment, I do not believe

we would have a prayer of getting any such funds. Possibly-we could
still convince Congress with the uncertain cost figures, but 1 seriously
doubt we could obtain even the first increment (for the base camp)

until we can nail down the probable total.


We need to assess this

If we reject all or part of Ted Mitchell's recommendations,

“what would his reaction be?

(1) Would we face likely litigation?




meeting, but we can't wait for letters!

Select target paragraph3