

characteristics, vegetation, humidity, rainfall,
mechanical distrubance, physical and chemical history

of plutonium particles in soil.

How then does one

consider the exposure of children throwing dry sand
on a windy day at the beach?

I would anticipate

large fluctuations abcut the inplicit exposure levels,

which, even for the limiting soil contamination
guidelines and predicted air concentrations associated

with these guidelines, will be approximately a
maximum permissible lung burden.

(Personal Communication.)

Each of the questions raised here and in the related appendices
must be addressed fully and carefully prior to resettlement of the
people of Enewetak Atoll.

Plutonium Soil Standards

Concerning the standard employed by the DEIS for maximum


permissible plutonium contamination of soils at Enewetak, Dr. Martell
points out that "There are no ICRP standards for soil levels of
Pu and the actinides or for lifetime exposures to internal alpha

(Personal Communication.) And he provides the follcwing

critique of the standards adopted by the AEC Task Group for Enewetak:

The recommendation that plutonium contaminated
soils, with levels not exceeding 40 pCi
Pu/g of
soil averaged over 15 cm depth, is suitable for human
habitation, can be very seriously questioned.
The Stete of Colorado Board of Health has adopted
interim standards for Pu contamination limits in soils


Select target paragraph3