
Similarly americium is readily taken up

from the gastrointestinal tract and accumulated

in the liver, spleen and bone of mammals, and
thus undoubtedly in man.
Based on these considerations it is possible
that uptake of americium in the food chain and its
accumulation in the liver and skeletal tissue of

_ man may be the critical path for exposure to
.internal alpha emitters in the Enewetak Atoll area.
The radiological survey is seriously inadequate
with respect to americium distribution in both
vegetation and in edible marine life to assess the
consequent body burdens and heald consequences to
future atoll inhabitants.

(Personal Communication.)

Dr. Geesaman independently identifies the same inadequacy
in the DEIS and also finds a need for further study of the mechanisms
by which plutonium contamination in the soil may find its way into
the body.

The resuspension measurements and calculations
‘which relate the air contamination to the soil

contamination are not immediately compelling, and
deserve a much more careful analysis than I have
given them.

I would be surprised if the analysisis

meaningful to factor of 100, when used to determine

public health guidelines.

Resuspension is poorly

understood, it is sensitive to windspeed, soil


Select target paragraph3