

Skin Contaminaion - resulted in spotty loss of hair and skin lesims

beginngng 2 wks. alter exposure.

About 90% of the children lost hair to

some degree and about 30% of the adults. 90% developed skin lesions of
spotty distribution over the exposed parts of the body not covered by clothing. Whe majority of the skin lesions were superficial and were no worse
than a sunburn with the outer skin peeling away. They healed and repigmentec
rapidly. About 20% of the people developed deeper lesions which became
weeping ulcerse However, even these healed rapidly, but a few show some
scarring and lack of repigmentation to presente The hair began regrowing
about 3 months after exposure and by six months was completely regrown in
all cases.

Internal Contamination - Radiochemical studies of urine samples showed

some degree of internal absorption of radioactive materials.

However, the

total body burden was found to be below the "tolerance" levels that have beer
established. By 6 months, insignificant amounts could be detectedé

Other than the &kin lesions, loss of hair and early symptoms there have

been no illnesses or disease processes that have been encountered which could
be attributed to radiation effects, either during the first survey or subsequent resurveyse There have been no deaths, though many of the people
are quite old. The diseases encountered have been no mre severe or frequent

than in the unirradiated population. This was true even during the period

when the greatest depression of their blood cells occurred. For instance,
at that time an epidemic of common colds occurred, but was no worse in the
Rongelap people cospared to otherse Therefore, at no time has it been
necessary to resort to any specialized treatment for radiation effects on
the blood such as use of prophylactic antibiotics, blood transfusions, etce
However, careful consideration and treatment has been given to all conditions
which needed attention. The skin iesions did require careful treatment and as
a result we have been rewarded with little or no secondary infection of
these lesions. We cannot be certain that cancer will mt develop atthe

site of skin lesions, but it does not seem too likely at this tine.


Fertility did not appear to have be@™m effected in view of thef act
that about 10 sound babies have been born in the group since the exposure
and hew pregnancies are in evidence.
The people have reacted to this event philosophically. They are an
intelligent and charming people and have given us the highest degree of
cooperation. There is mutual respect and affection between use They

appear to be comfortably quartered and well fed on Ejit Island. They,

of course, wish to return to their homes on “ongelap. It is my underStanding that the only thing that has delayed their return is the completion
of surveys of their home islands by the AEC to be. certain that,the islands

are safe.


Respectfully submitted,






Head of the Medical Resuryey Group


Select target paragraph3